
100 Strangers

Magnetic personality

Magnetic personality

Mike was fishing in the Main river but unlike everybody else he was hauling out metal with thick type instead of fish. This time, he'd caught a rusty bicycle, an empty safe and a skateboard. He said he'd caught hand grenades and other weapons from world war two in the past so I was glad there wasn't any explosives when I took his photo!

Day 237

Passing by

Passing by

I cycle along the river every day and often saw the same old man with a long beard walking in the other direction with plastic bags in hand and baggy old jeans two sizes too big held up with an old belt. Then for a month or so I stopped seeing him and wondered if anything had happened to him and I regretted not talking to him or asking for a photo. It just so happened that he was there this morning, so I stopped for a chat. It turned out that he is homeless and lives in the forest and makes a long walk every day into town. He was very polite and spoke English in quite a posh clear accent so I wonder what happened to him in his life. I asked for a photo and he declined. Sometimes I would feel detected but in his case I was just glad he was OK.